Seeking Daily Joy

Prioritizing what deeply nourishes you is paramount to a rich life. These activities and relationships support your productivity, responsibility and appreciation for life. Joy breeds an energetic feeling of freedom and possibility. In that is a heightened experience of clarity and expansion and ease.

One of my dear clients came to exemplify this and transformed the state of her life. When we first met, she was goal-oriented, list making, get-it-done type of woman. Successful in task completion yet struggling in her marriage, often angry and disappointed at her spouse. Ultimately, she wanted to deepen her connection with her husband and experience more overall joy.

We focused on healing her relationship with her husband. She came to see how she had been concentration on what was 'wrong' with him and what he 'needed' to do to be better. Instead, we shifted her thinking towards appreciation for the man she truly loved and guided her to communicate with him from a fully wholehearted perspective. She made a practice of consistently expressing her love and truth to him. In this process, she sourced important insights about herself and, as a couple, they became significantly more intimate and connected. 

We also worked on taming her propensity towards perfectionism and fear of missing out (which caused her to over schedule herself and family). She carved out more time to do activities for herself that increased her happiness. She exercised more and planned more time alone with each of her small children.

These seemingly simple adjustment were significantand created day-to-day pleasure for her. She did less on 'her list' and more of what deeply matter to her. Her routine of letting go of 'the shoulds' and her tendency to blame her spouse, morphed into a recognition of the bounty in her life. She lightened up and leaned into the marvels of her creation.

If you are seeking or needing more daily joy, please schedule a free 30 minute coaching consultation.